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Advisor Perspective

Advisor Perspective

Planning for Long-Term Care Expenses: What You Need to Know

Meggan Carroll

Advisor, CFP®
Thoughtful communication, attentiveness and problem-solving are the hallmarks of Meggan’s role as an advisor. Working with clients and helping them make important decisions about their financial futures gives her a unique opportunity to make lasting connections while pursuing her passion.

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As the population ages and life expectancy increases, planning for long-term care (LTC) has become a crucial part of financial and healthcare planning. LTC is not just about nursing homes; it encompasses a wide range of services that assist individuals with chronic illness, disability, or other conditions that limit their ability to perform everyday activities. Proper planning, including how long-term care insurance (LTCI) may apply, can make a significant difference in maintaining your quality of life and managing expenses as you age.

LTC involves assistance with daily living activities such as bathing, dressing, eating, and mobility. It can be provided in various settings, including in-home care, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and adult day care.

Why Plan for Long-Term Care?

There are a few reasons why you should consider planning for LTC.  First of which is the rising cost of care. The cost of LTC can be substantial. The annual cost of a private room in a nursing home can total over $100,000. Without proper planning, these expenses can deplete savings quickly. Secondly, health conditions that necessitate LTC can arise suddenly or develop gradually. Planning ahead ensures that you are prepared for either scenario. And finally, LTC can place a significant emotional and financial burden on family members. Proper planning can alleviate some of this stress and ensure that care is provided according to your wishes.

The Role of Long-Term Care Insurance

If assets are not sufficient to cover LTC costs, then LTCI may be a good choice. It is designed to help cover the costs of care that are not typically covered by health insurance or Medicare. Here are some key aspects to consider:

  • Coverage: LTCI policies typically cover services such as in-home care, assisted living, and nursing home care. It’s important to understand what specific services and settings are covered by a policy.
  • Eligibility: Policies generally have criteria that must be met to qualify for benefits, such as needing assistance with at least two of the six activities of daily living (ADLs) or having a cognitive impairment.
  • Benefits: Policies usually have a daily or monthly benefit limit, a total benefit period, and a waiting (elimination) period before benefits begin. Understanding these limits is crucial for ensuring adequate coverage and assessing whether insurance is the right answer.
  • Cost: Premiums for LTCI can vary widely based on age, health, and the level of coverage chosen, which can often make these policies cost prohibitive. Most insurance companies continue to increase premiums for both new and existing policies, which has been a significant concern with LTCI over the last 10 years.

Steps for Effective Long-Term Care Planning

  1. Assess Your Needs: Evaluate your current health, family history, loved ones’ ability to provide care, and resources available to cover expenses.
  2. Explore Funding Options and Create a Plan: Speak with your JMG Financial Advisor to determine the best option for you. Whether self-funding, LTCI, or a combination of both; we can provide customized guidance, and if appropriate, connect you with partners who can assist with obtaining insurance.
  3. Review and Update Regularly: Since your needs and circumstances can change over time, we suggest you work with your JMG Advisor to review and update your LTC plan to ensure continued adequacy and relevance.

Planning for LTC is an essential financial aspect of aging and maintaining stability. By understanding your options and preparing in advance, you can ensure that your future care needs are met with dignity and security, reducing the potential burden on yourself and your loved ones.

Regardless of how you meet potential LTC spending needs, the key is to start planning early and make informed decisions that align with your personal and financial goals. We invite you to share this article with others who may also find it insightful.

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